BOOKCON 2015 Ticket News!!
All you book fans out there, BookCon 2015 tickets will be going on sale Thursday December 4, 2014 at 10am est online on BookCon website. They are also announcing our first guest for the event as well.
If it was like last year, you better buy your tickets quickly, because they will be sold out fast. Last year, you had the opportunity to buy your tickets at the event. I have a funny feeling that won't be the case for 2015. Although BookCon has expanded its event Saturday May 30th and Sunday May 31st, the possibility of being sold out on both days is likely, especially since BookExpo America (BEA) kicks off the amazing book event week at the Javits Convention Center in New York City.
Tickets Sales:
Adult $35
Kids $5
Adult $30
Kids $5
VIP are $115 for both days. BookCon is only doing single day passes that is not VIP. There are no 2 day passes with a discount like other cons.
BookCon May 30-31, 2015 at Javits Convention Center, NYC.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Fort Fandom
Books/Movies/TV/Convention Coverage
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Divergent: Insurgent Teaser Trailer
Okay I know what many of y'all are going to say, when did Tris become Neo from the Matrix. I was scratching my head when this event took place in the book. Although this is a teaser trailer, sometimes they do not put in what we see in trailers into the movie for the finale product. However, from the CGI cost, I have a funny feeling this will make the cut into the movie.
The teaser does look okay but I was expecting more. I think they should have shown another scene for the teaser, and made the teaser trailer stay in the movie as a surprise for the audience as being the difference from book to movie when the movie came out. However, I do understood why they wanted to show this, to get us fans hype for the movie which comes out March 20, 2015.
The teaser does look okay but I was expecting more. I think they should have shown another scene for the teaser, and made the teaser trailer stay in the movie as a surprise for the audience as being the difference from book to movie when the movie came out. However, I do understood why they wanted to show this, to get us fans hype for the movie which comes out March 20, 2015.
Tributes On the East Coast!!
Want to join the cast and filmmakers for a special event in NYC for Mockingjay part 1 this Saturday November 15, 2014? Follow the link below to win a chance to win tickets for this event.
Good Luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Want to join the cast and filmmakers for a special event in NYC for Mockingjay part 1 this Saturday November 15, 2014? Follow the link below to win a chance to win tickets for this event.
Good Luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Howler Con is Right Around the Corner!
Okay Teen Wolf fans! Howler Con is next month November 14-16, 2014 Elizabeth New Jersey at Hilton Newark Airport Hotel.
The tickets are selling out fast for this con. There will be no tickets sold at the door. Everything must be done online before you enter the convention. I would highly recommend buying the New Moon package if you are strapped for cash, instead of the single day tickets.
I have been going to conventions for several years, and I guarantee you, the extra two days will come in handy if you want to get everything done. In addition, this will give you an opportunity to schedule out your time at the convention with less stress.
The programming schedule is up and the panels are going to be fantastic. I am extremely happy that many of the guests are going to do multiple panels together, so you can savor the moment in being in there presences.
Please follow Howler Con on twitter and facebook. They are doing a discount event tomorrow for photoops and M&G Saturday October 25, 2014. I would recommend taking advantage of this offer. My inner fangirl is already doing karate kicks in the air over this deal.
Please follow Howler Con on twitter and facebook. They are doing a discount event tomorrow for photoops and M&G Saturday October 25, 2014. I would recommend taking advantage of this offer. My inner fangirl is already doing karate kicks in the air over this deal.
If you are trying to acquire a hotel reservation, please do it immanently. Just click on the link HCHotel and it will direct you to Howler Con hotel reservation website. The group rate code HOC will expire October 31, 2014.
I will tell you before hand, there are going to be lines at the convention. Everybody, please be friendly and helpful towards the staff by not complaining about it, unless it is extremely unorganized. I have faith in Howler Con staff in coordinating this event as best to there abilities. Besides, standing in line is where you meet awesome congoers that share the same passion as you over Teen Wolf.
I hope to see many of you guys there. If you see a girl with a camera attached to her hand, cosplaying as Scott McCall Beacon Hill Lacrosse outfit or in blue scrubs, that is me. Do something crazy and it will definitely be added into my Howler Con youtube video.
Friday, October 3, 2014
J1-Con Review
J1-Con first impressions...the best time I had since Philadelphia Comic Con in June this year. The convention was amazing and I had a great time. The staff was very friendly and the person that was running the con, shared his story of how he funded and got J1-Con off the ground. It was a very touching story that made me want to support this convention even more. You could clearly see his passion for being like us congoers, and wanting to bring us the best con experience. I would gladly spend my money at this convention in 2015 when it rolls around again.

The staff was very friendly. Although the line situation need some tweaking which I knew it was going to happen, but next year I know that would be addressed with bigger space for the convention. I also loved how the staff was offering praise to everybody cosplay and telling them how awesome they looked. Even if you wasn't cosplaying, they keep asking congoers was they enjoying the convention. Those types of pleasant remarks goes a long way to congoers when attending a convention. I hope they bring those staff members back for 2015 because they was excellent.
The programming for the con was great. I know many people enjoyed the Vic Mignogra panel. I've already seen him at many cons before, so I skipped it to allow somebody else too attend the panel since it was limited space in the room. The movies playing at the con was entertaining and people wanted to see these movies. These rooms wasn't empty which means great choice of movie selection. Hopefully next year, the programming altogether will expand from this year when more space is available.
The vendors was very friendly and had great merchandise to sell. A lot of it was homemade which was interesting. I actually buy more things when it is homemade like Christmas balls, mugs, cups, hats and shirts then things I find online very easily. I was excited that there was many choices at each vendors when walking around the dealers room. I really hope some of them come back again so I can buy more merchandise.
If any of you guys are thinking about J1-Con next year, please do. It will be worth it and transportation to get there will be much easier since it is in the heart of downtown Philadelphia. However, trying to find parking space is another story which is an issue in every city over the weekend.
Monday, September 22, 2014
The Maze Runner Non-Spoiler Movie Review
The Maze Runner movie is based off a YA book called The Maze Runner series by James Dasher. The movie was directed by Wes Ball, who executed a very good book adaptation to the series. Normally book adaptions make me sometimes cringe, because the directors change almost sixty-five percent of the book, and you ask yourself OMG WHY!!
Wes Ball actually kept true to the book and also changed things from book to movie that transitioned well to those that have not read the book. To be honest when watching the movie, I was like why did Ball change this or why did he change that. After watching the movie, sleeping on it, I realized why Ball did it and it worked in the finale production of the movie.
A few key points that I enjoyed about the movie was of course the Maze design. You can see Wes Ball put effort into making the Maze, the center piece to the movie, that will bring non-readers to want to watch this movie. It was exactly how I pictured it in my head while reading it, and even more. The changing of the Maze, the Runners trying to survive it and figure out a way to escape it, it was beautiful. Ball gets major props for bringing that center piece from the book into the movie perfectly.
The Grievers were pretty scary looking just like they should be. I actually pictured them a little bit different, like rolling metal balls down the Maze, and then they would morph out into a scorpion looking deformed creature for some odd reason. However, the design in the movie worked. The Grievers still had the main characteristics in the book, that would scare anybody to stay out of the Maze at night.
Dylan O'Brien did a fantastic job portraying Thomas, just like I knew he would from playing Stiles on MTV hit show Teen Wolf. Actually season 3 of Teen Wolf when O'Brien played a darker role as the evil Nogitsune, made me feel more confident that he could pull off a confused but head strong Thomas. The only big change with Thomas from book to movie was his telepathy with Teresa. The director explained why he had to change it. After thinking about it and watching the movie, it wouldn't have transferred very well to the non-readers.
The interaction with Chuck and Thomas was lacking. I wanted the movie to show more of why Thomas felt he desperately wanted to get Chuck and him out of the Maze, and back to there families. The movie did not explore more of Thomas taking on a big brother role to Chuck. However, at the end of the movie, the brother type of relationship could be still seen of Chuck and Thomas fate.
Teresa's character development was a big let down in the movie. In the book, she was more then just "A Girl". In the book, she could telepathically communicate with Thomas. She was smart and wanted answers, just like Thomas as well. Furthermore, Thomas and Teresa knew each other even though she didn't have much of her memories either.
However, in the movie her book characteristics wasn't explored as much, which made her not as special. Since the director took out Teresa's telepathic abilities, Teresa was just an average girl. The one part that I thought the director was going to keep from book to movie, was Teresa high level IQ by helping in solving the Maze. That practically did not happen in the movie at all. In the end, Teresa was not special like she was in the book. She was just there in the movie.
Another big issue I had with the movie was the shaky camera shots during some parts of the action sequences. It became more shaky when the Grievers was killing off the Gladers. I noticed this technique was done in The Hunger Games first movie, because these directors think the audience can not handle children's death every well. I grantee if this movie was rated R, the shaky camera probably would have been extremely less.
Other then the few downsides of the movie, Wes Ball did a great job in directing The Maze Runner. I think the general audience will enjoy it, as it will leave questions upon questions at the end of the movie, to set up the second installment of the series The Scorch Trails. I would recommend others to watch this movie because it is a different type of YA movie that is not a love story. The book focus mainly on survival and learning to use what you have to escape the Maze.
I give The Maze Runner movie 8/10.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Wes Ball actually kept true to the book and also changed things from book to movie that transitioned well to those that have not read the book. To be honest when watching the movie, I was like why did Ball change this or why did he change that. After watching the movie, sleeping on it, I realized why Ball did it and it worked in the finale production of the movie.
A few key points that I enjoyed about the movie was of course the Maze design. You can see Wes Ball put effort into making the Maze, the center piece to the movie, that will bring non-readers to want to watch this movie. It was exactly how I pictured it in my head while reading it, and even more. The changing of the Maze, the Runners trying to survive it and figure out a way to escape it, it was beautiful. Ball gets major props for bringing that center piece from the book into the movie perfectly.
The Grievers were pretty scary looking just like they should be. I actually pictured them a little bit different, like rolling metal balls down the Maze, and then they would morph out into a scorpion looking deformed creature for some odd reason. However, the design in the movie worked. The Grievers still had the main characteristics in the book, that would scare anybody to stay out of the Maze at night.
Dylan O'Brien did a fantastic job portraying Thomas, just like I knew he would from playing Stiles on MTV hit show Teen Wolf. Actually season 3 of Teen Wolf when O'Brien played a darker role as the evil Nogitsune, made me feel more confident that he could pull off a confused but head strong Thomas. The only big change with Thomas from book to movie was his telepathy with Teresa. The director explained why he had to change it. After thinking about it and watching the movie, it wouldn't have transferred very well to the non-readers.
The interaction with Chuck and Thomas was lacking. I wanted the movie to show more of why Thomas felt he desperately wanted to get Chuck and him out of the Maze, and back to there families. The movie did not explore more of Thomas taking on a big brother role to Chuck. However, at the end of the movie, the brother type of relationship could be still seen of Chuck and Thomas fate.
Teresa's character development was a big let down in the movie. In the book, she was more then just "A Girl". In the book, she could telepathically communicate with Thomas. She was smart and wanted answers, just like Thomas as well. Furthermore, Thomas and Teresa knew each other even though she didn't have much of her memories either.
However, in the movie her book characteristics wasn't explored as much, which made her not as special. Since the director took out Teresa's telepathic abilities, Teresa was just an average girl. The one part that I thought the director was going to keep from book to movie, was Teresa high level IQ by helping in solving the Maze. That practically did not happen in the movie at all. In the end, Teresa was not special like she was in the book. She was just there in the movie.
Another big issue I had with the movie was the shaky camera shots during some parts of the action sequences. It became more shaky when the Grievers was killing off the Gladers. I noticed this technique was done in The Hunger Games first movie, because these directors think the audience can not handle children's death every well. I grantee if this movie was rated R, the shaky camera probably would have been extremely less.
Other then the few downsides of the movie, Wes Ball did a great job in directing The Maze Runner. I think the general audience will enjoy it, as it will leave questions upon questions at the end of the movie, to set up the second installment of the series The Scorch Trails. I would recommend others to watch this movie because it is a different type of YA movie that is not a love story. The book focus mainly on survival and learning to use what you have to escape the Maze.
I give The Maze Runner movie 8/10.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Who's Watching The Maze Runner This Weekend?!!
The Maze Runner is finally coming out in theaters this weekend. From the hype I've heard from people that have already seen the movie, they say be prepared to be blown away. From the previews and video clips from the movie that I have tried to stay away from it as best as I can, to not spoil myself too much, it looks amazing. The way the Maze changes is just awesome in itself because the book is mostly based on how to solve the Maze to escape it. I think Wes Ball, the movie director of The Maze Runner, have a gem in this movie to have a great opening weekend.
The book doesn't follow the typical love story triangle thing that many YA books are doing these days. I think the male audience will be attracted to watch this movie then other YA adapted movies. I am really rooting for The Maze Runner to have a fantastic opening weekend to have book two in the series green lit.
If you have not read The Maze Runner by James Dashner, what are you waiting for. You have time to pick it up at your local book store and read it before the movie comes out this Friday. Oh yeah did I say Dylan O'Brien is playing Thomas the main character in the movie. If you don't know who Dylan O'Brien is at this point, his most famous role he play is Stiles on the populat MTV show Teen Wolf. His acting is top notch for his age. That is why I real confident Dylan will nail Thomas role.
The Maze Runner in theaters September 19, 2014. See you in the Glade.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
The book doesn't follow the typical love story triangle thing that many YA books are doing these days. I think the male audience will be attracted to watch this movie then other YA adapted movies. I am really rooting for The Maze Runner to have a fantastic opening weekend to have book two in the series green lit.
If you have not read The Maze Runner by James Dashner, what are you waiting for. You have time to pick it up at your local book store and read it before the movie comes out this Friday. Oh yeah did I say Dylan O'Brien is playing Thomas the main character in the movie. If you don't know who Dylan O'Brien is at this point, his most famous role he play is Stiles on the populat MTV show Teen Wolf. His acting is top notch for his age. That is why I real confident Dylan will nail Thomas role.
The Maze Runner in theaters September 19, 2014. See you in the Glade.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
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