J1-Con Review
J1-Con first impressions...the best time I had since Philadelphia Comic Con in June this year. The convention was amazing and I had a great time. The staff was very friendly and the person that was running the con, shared his story of how he funded and got J1-Con off the ground. It was a very touching story that made me want to support this convention even more. You could clearly see his passion for being like us congoers, and wanting to bring us the best con experience. I would gladly spend my money at this convention in 2015 when it rolls around again.

The staff was very friendly. Although the line situation need some tweaking which I knew it was going to happen, but next year I know that would be addressed with bigger space for the convention. I also loved how the staff was offering praise to everybody cosplay and telling them how awesome they looked. Even if you wasn't cosplaying, they keep asking congoers was they enjoying the convention. Those types of pleasant remarks goes a long way to congoers when attending a convention. I hope they bring those staff members back for 2015 because they was excellent.
The programming for the con was great. I know many people enjoyed the Vic Mignogra panel. I've already seen him at many cons before, so I skipped it to allow somebody else too attend the panel since it was limited space in the room. The movies playing at the con was entertaining and people wanted to see these movies. These rooms wasn't empty which means great choice of movie selection. Hopefully next year, the programming altogether will expand from this year when more space is available.
The vendors was very friendly and had great merchandise to sell. A lot of it was homemade which was interesting. I actually buy more things when it is homemade like Christmas balls, mugs, cups, hats and shirts then things I find online very easily. I was excited that there was many choices at each vendors when walking around the dealers room. I really hope some of them come back again so I can buy more merchandise.
If any of you guys are thinking about J1-Con next year, please do. It will be worth it and transportation to get there will be much easier since it is in the heart of downtown Philadelphia. However, trying to find parking space is another story which is an issue in every city over the weekend.
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