Cassandra Clare COHF Book Tour Philly Experience
May 30, 2014 Cassandra Clare celebrated COHF book tour at Stetson Middle School at West Chester Philadelphia hosted by Chester County Book and Music Company. The entire event was fantastic and well organized. Unlike some, in my opinion the location of the event was perfect in Philadelphia. It kind of weed out a possible huge crowd if it was more towards downtown of Philadelphia.
The Q&A was held in the school's auditorium as I sat right in the front for once (pays to get to the event early). The host Jenny Han was great asking Cassandra questions, kept the Q&A very entertaining and loved the kiss one, marry one and kill one game the rated G version.The crowd in the audience loved it. The game became more complicated towards the end., as Cassandra showed off her good nature side with her answers. It was perfect.
During the Q&A, Cassandra had some swag for the audience if anybody answered some of her TMI and TID book questions. She gave out the limited edition The Shadowhunter Tarot Cards made by the awesome Cassandra Jean, and also hoodies with the Angelic rune on the back. For some odd reason, I was drawing blanks for these questions so I didn't get any swag.
However, when I got my book signed, I asked Cassandra when will the tarot cards be released to the public. She had one more tarot cards pack left and secretly slipped it under my book. I wanted to fangirl hardcore at that moment, but I had to become Elsa from Frozen and conceal it inside. I told her thanks, grabbed some more TMI swag on a small table on the stage and then walked off. I was jumping for joy inside when I got the limited edition of the tarot cards as I walked to my car. Now if anybody want to buy the tarot cards, there is no specific date of when it will be released. Cassandra hinted maybe November or sometime next year.
If you want to watch any of the Q&A just Click Here or Video Section.
If anybody is interested in wanting to see Cassandra Jean artwork:
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