Non-Spoiler Quick Review:
Doctor Who
Season 8 Ep1 "Deep Breath"
I can't get enough of Peter Capaldi. Yes, I have a crush on him because...Why Not! Capaldi is a brilliant actor that owns the screen. After watching the first episode of Doctor Who Season 8 titled "Deep Breath", it was amazing. It wasn't the clear final cut version which was missing the special effects clean up, but I loved every part of it. Peter Capaldi is going to be a fantastic Doctor. Just the way he delivered his performance as the Doctor, I really hope he sticks around for two more seasons to complete the normal Doctor cycle for the show.The first episode I already knew I loved Peter Capaldi as the new Doctor. I didn't have to wait a couple episodes to get use to the new Doctor like in the past. It happened instantly. Capaldi captured the Doctor perfectly in his own way. He kinda reminds me of the 9th and 10th Doctor, which is a good thing, but Capaldi added his spice to the character that makes him still different from the bunch.
I love the way Clara interacts with the 12th Doctor. It reminds me of Donna and the 10th Doctor type of relationship now, which I have been hoping since Donna left the show. I always liked Clara as a companion and glad they kept her around for another season then bring in a new companion. But judging from a little bit of the second episode I saw, it seems to be hinting of her departure from the show soon. I am not going to spoil what that is until the episode is released officially to the public. I really hope Clara turns into more of a kick butt badass but still moral support to keep the Doctor good.
The writing from season 5-7 and then season 8 for the 12th Doctor, great improvements from watching Deep Breath episode. I had a big issue with the writing when Matt Smith was the Doctor which made me feel something was off. I felt emotions inside me with the 9th Doctor and 10th Doctor episodes. However, for the 11th Doctor, I barely felt anything for his episodes. It was just an episode until River Song appeared then I was all toned in. I love River. Other then that, the writing for the 11th Doctor, wasn't great. Nothing against Matt Smith but the writing could have helped him out a little bit more.
So far, the writing for "Deep Breath" was fantastic. Whomever the team was that helped Steven Moffat create the episode, I hope they helped him direct the entire season. The whole episode had humor, grief, action, and great moral lessons of how yourself perceive towards other individuals in life. The entire episode was just that good.
Whovians get ready. The Doctor is BACK!
Can't wait to watch "Deep Breath" in the Movie Theaters August 25th in USA.
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