BOOKCON 2015 Ticket News!!
All you book fans out there, BookCon 2015 tickets will be going on sale Thursday December 4, 2014 at 10am est online on BookCon website. They are also announcing our first guest for the event as well.
If it was like last year, you better buy your tickets quickly, because they will be sold out fast. Last year, you had the opportunity to buy your tickets at the event. I have a funny feeling that won't be the case for 2015. Although BookCon has expanded its event Saturday May 30th and Sunday May 31st, the possibility of being sold out on both days is likely, especially since BookExpo America (BEA) kicks off the amazing book event week at the Javits Convention Center in New York City.
Tickets Sales:
Adult $35
Kids $5
Adult $30
Kids $5
VIP are $115 for both days. BookCon is only doing single day passes that is not VIP. There are no 2 day passes with a discount like other cons.
BookCon May 30-31, 2015 at Javits Convention Center, NYC.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Divergent: Insurgent Teaser Trailer
Okay I know what many of y'all are going to say, when did Tris become Neo from the Matrix. I was scratching my head when this event took place in the book. Although this is a teaser trailer, sometimes they do not put in what we see in trailers into the movie for the finale product. However, from the CGI cost, I have a funny feeling this will make the cut into the movie.
The teaser does look okay but I was expecting more. I think they should have shown another scene for the teaser, and made the teaser trailer stay in the movie as a surprise for the audience as being the difference from book to movie when the movie came out. However, I do understood why they wanted to show this, to get us fans hype for the movie which comes out March 20, 2015.
The teaser does look okay but I was expecting more. I think they should have shown another scene for the teaser, and made the teaser trailer stay in the movie as a surprise for the audience as being the difference from book to movie when the movie came out. However, I do understood why they wanted to show this, to get us fans hype for the movie which comes out March 20, 2015.
Tributes On the East Coast!!
Want to join the cast and filmmakers for a special event in NYC for Mockingjay part 1 this Saturday November 15, 2014? Follow the link below to win a chance to win tickets for this event.
Good Luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Want to join the cast and filmmakers for a special event in NYC for Mockingjay part 1 this Saturday November 15, 2014? Follow the link below to win a chance to win tickets for this event.
Good Luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Howler Con is Right Around the Corner!
Okay Teen Wolf fans! Howler Con is next month November 14-16, 2014 Elizabeth New Jersey at Hilton Newark Airport Hotel.
The tickets are selling out fast for this con. There will be no tickets sold at the door. Everything must be done online before you enter the convention. I would highly recommend buying the New Moon package if you are strapped for cash, instead of the single day tickets.
I have been going to conventions for several years, and I guarantee you, the extra two days will come in handy if you want to get everything done. In addition, this will give you an opportunity to schedule out your time at the convention with less stress.
The programming schedule is up and the panels are going to be fantastic. I am extremely happy that many of the guests are going to do multiple panels together, so you can savor the moment in being in there presences.
Please follow Howler Con on twitter and facebook. They are doing a discount event tomorrow for photoops and M&G Saturday October 25, 2014. I would recommend taking advantage of this offer. My inner fangirl is already doing karate kicks in the air over this deal.
Please follow Howler Con on twitter and facebook. They are doing a discount event tomorrow for photoops and M&G Saturday October 25, 2014. I would recommend taking advantage of this offer. My inner fangirl is already doing karate kicks in the air over this deal.
If you are trying to acquire a hotel reservation, please do it immanently. Just click on the link HCHotel and it will direct you to Howler Con hotel reservation website. The group rate code HOC will expire October 31, 2014.
I will tell you before hand, there are going to be lines at the convention. Everybody, please be friendly and helpful towards the staff by not complaining about it, unless it is extremely unorganized. I have faith in Howler Con staff in coordinating this event as best to there abilities. Besides, standing in line is where you meet awesome congoers that share the same passion as you over Teen Wolf.
I hope to see many of you guys there. If you see a girl with a camera attached to her hand, cosplaying as Scott McCall Beacon Hill Lacrosse outfit or in blue scrubs, that is me. Do something crazy and it will definitely be added into my Howler Con youtube video.
Friday, October 3, 2014
J1-Con Review
J1-Con first impressions...the best time I had since Philadelphia Comic Con in June this year. The convention was amazing and I had a great time. The staff was very friendly and the person that was running the con, shared his story of how he funded and got J1-Con off the ground. It was a very touching story that made me want to support this convention even more. You could clearly see his passion for being like us congoers, and wanting to bring us the best con experience. I would gladly spend my money at this convention in 2015 when it rolls around again.

The staff was very friendly. Although the line situation need some tweaking which I knew it was going to happen, but next year I know that would be addressed with bigger space for the convention. I also loved how the staff was offering praise to everybody cosplay and telling them how awesome they looked. Even if you wasn't cosplaying, they keep asking congoers was they enjoying the convention. Those types of pleasant remarks goes a long way to congoers when attending a convention. I hope they bring those staff members back for 2015 because they was excellent.
The programming for the con was great. I know many people enjoyed the Vic Mignogra panel. I've already seen him at many cons before, so I skipped it to allow somebody else too attend the panel since it was limited space in the room. The movies playing at the con was entertaining and people wanted to see these movies. These rooms wasn't empty which means great choice of movie selection. Hopefully next year, the programming altogether will expand from this year when more space is available.
The vendors was very friendly and had great merchandise to sell. A lot of it was homemade which was interesting. I actually buy more things when it is homemade like Christmas balls, mugs, cups, hats and shirts then things I find online very easily. I was excited that there was many choices at each vendors when walking around the dealers room. I really hope some of them come back again so I can buy more merchandise.
If any of you guys are thinking about J1-Con next year, please do. It will be worth it and transportation to get there will be much easier since it is in the heart of downtown Philadelphia. However, trying to find parking space is another story which is an issue in every city over the weekend.
Monday, September 22, 2014
The Maze Runner Non-Spoiler Movie Review
The Maze Runner movie is based off a YA book called The Maze Runner series by James Dasher. The movie was directed by Wes Ball, who executed a very good book adaptation to the series. Normally book adaptions make me sometimes cringe, because the directors change almost sixty-five percent of the book, and you ask yourself OMG WHY!!
Wes Ball actually kept true to the book and also changed things from book to movie that transitioned well to those that have not read the book. To be honest when watching the movie, I was like why did Ball change this or why did he change that. After watching the movie, sleeping on it, I realized why Ball did it and it worked in the finale production of the movie.
A few key points that I enjoyed about the movie was of course the Maze design. You can see Wes Ball put effort into making the Maze, the center piece to the movie, that will bring non-readers to want to watch this movie. It was exactly how I pictured it in my head while reading it, and even more. The changing of the Maze, the Runners trying to survive it and figure out a way to escape it, it was beautiful. Ball gets major props for bringing that center piece from the book into the movie perfectly.
The Grievers were pretty scary looking just like they should be. I actually pictured them a little bit different, like rolling metal balls down the Maze, and then they would morph out into a scorpion looking deformed creature for some odd reason. However, the design in the movie worked. The Grievers still had the main characteristics in the book, that would scare anybody to stay out of the Maze at night.
Dylan O'Brien did a fantastic job portraying Thomas, just like I knew he would from playing Stiles on MTV hit show Teen Wolf. Actually season 3 of Teen Wolf when O'Brien played a darker role as the evil Nogitsune, made me feel more confident that he could pull off a confused but head strong Thomas. The only big change with Thomas from book to movie was his telepathy with Teresa. The director explained why he had to change it. After thinking about it and watching the movie, it wouldn't have transferred very well to the non-readers.
The interaction with Chuck and Thomas was lacking. I wanted the movie to show more of why Thomas felt he desperately wanted to get Chuck and him out of the Maze, and back to there families. The movie did not explore more of Thomas taking on a big brother role to Chuck. However, at the end of the movie, the brother type of relationship could be still seen of Chuck and Thomas fate.
Teresa's character development was a big let down in the movie. In the book, she was more then just "A Girl". In the book, she could telepathically communicate with Thomas. She was smart and wanted answers, just like Thomas as well. Furthermore, Thomas and Teresa knew each other even though she didn't have much of her memories either.
However, in the movie her book characteristics wasn't explored as much, which made her not as special. Since the director took out Teresa's telepathic abilities, Teresa was just an average girl. The one part that I thought the director was going to keep from book to movie, was Teresa high level IQ by helping in solving the Maze. That practically did not happen in the movie at all. In the end, Teresa was not special like she was in the book. She was just there in the movie.
Another big issue I had with the movie was the shaky camera shots during some parts of the action sequences. It became more shaky when the Grievers was killing off the Gladers. I noticed this technique was done in The Hunger Games first movie, because these directors think the audience can not handle children's death every well. I grantee if this movie was rated R, the shaky camera probably would have been extremely less.
Other then the few downsides of the movie, Wes Ball did a great job in directing The Maze Runner. I think the general audience will enjoy it, as it will leave questions upon questions at the end of the movie, to set up the second installment of the series The Scorch Trails. I would recommend others to watch this movie because it is a different type of YA movie that is not a love story. The book focus mainly on survival and learning to use what you have to escape the Maze.
I give The Maze Runner movie 8/10.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Wes Ball actually kept true to the book and also changed things from book to movie that transitioned well to those that have not read the book. To be honest when watching the movie, I was like why did Ball change this or why did he change that. After watching the movie, sleeping on it, I realized why Ball did it and it worked in the finale production of the movie.
A few key points that I enjoyed about the movie was of course the Maze design. You can see Wes Ball put effort into making the Maze, the center piece to the movie, that will bring non-readers to want to watch this movie. It was exactly how I pictured it in my head while reading it, and even more. The changing of the Maze, the Runners trying to survive it and figure out a way to escape it, it was beautiful. Ball gets major props for bringing that center piece from the book into the movie perfectly.
The Grievers were pretty scary looking just like they should be. I actually pictured them a little bit different, like rolling metal balls down the Maze, and then they would morph out into a scorpion looking deformed creature for some odd reason. However, the design in the movie worked. The Grievers still had the main characteristics in the book, that would scare anybody to stay out of the Maze at night.
Dylan O'Brien did a fantastic job portraying Thomas, just like I knew he would from playing Stiles on MTV hit show Teen Wolf. Actually season 3 of Teen Wolf when O'Brien played a darker role as the evil Nogitsune, made me feel more confident that he could pull off a confused but head strong Thomas. The only big change with Thomas from book to movie was his telepathy with Teresa. The director explained why he had to change it. After thinking about it and watching the movie, it wouldn't have transferred very well to the non-readers.
The interaction with Chuck and Thomas was lacking. I wanted the movie to show more of why Thomas felt he desperately wanted to get Chuck and him out of the Maze, and back to there families. The movie did not explore more of Thomas taking on a big brother role to Chuck. However, at the end of the movie, the brother type of relationship could be still seen of Chuck and Thomas fate.
Teresa's character development was a big let down in the movie. In the book, she was more then just "A Girl". In the book, she could telepathically communicate with Thomas. She was smart and wanted answers, just like Thomas as well. Furthermore, Thomas and Teresa knew each other even though she didn't have much of her memories either.
However, in the movie her book characteristics wasn't explored as much, which made her not as special. Since the director took out Teresa's telepathic abilities, Teresa was just an average girl. The one part that I thought the director was going to keep from book to movie, was Teresa high level IQ by helping in solving the Maze. That practically did not happen in the movie at all. In the end, Teresa was not special like she was in the book. She was just there in the movie.
Another big issue I had with the movie was the shaky camera shots during some parts of the action sequences. It became more shaky when the Grievers was killing off the Gladers. I noticed this technique was done in The Hunger Games first movie, because these directors think the audience can not handle children's death every well. I grantee if this movie was rated R, the shaky camera probably would have been extremely less.
Other then the few downsides of the movie, Wes Ball did a great job in directing The Maze Runner. I think the general audience will enjoy it, as it will leave questions upon questions at the end of the movie, to set up the second installment of the series The Scorch Trails. I would recommend others to watch this movie because it is a different type of YA movie that is not a love story. The book focus mainly on survival and learning to use what you have to escape the Maze.
I give The Maze Runner movie 8/10.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Who's Watching The Maze Runner This Weekend?!!
The Maze Runner is finally coming out in theaters this weekend. From the hype I've heard from people that have already seen the movie, they say be prepared to be blown away. From the previews and video clips from the movie that I have tried to stay away from it as best as I can, to not spoil myself too much, it looks amazing. The way the Maze changes is just awesome in itself because the book is mostly based on how to solve the Maze to escape it. I think Wes Ball, the movie director of The Maze Runner, have a gem in this movie to have a great opening weekend.
The book doesn't follow the typical love story triangle thing that many YA books are doing these days. I think the male audience will be attracted to watch this movie then other YA adapted movies. I am really rooting for The Maze Runner to have a fantastic opening weekend to have book two in the series green lit.
If you have not read The Maze Runner by James Dashner, what are you waiting for. You have time to pick it up at your local book store and read it before the movie comes out this Friday. Oh yeah did I say Dylan O'Brien is playing Thomas the main character in the movie. If you don't know who Dylan O'Brien is at this point, his most famous role he play is Stiles on the populat MTV show Teen Wolf. His acting is top notch for his age. That is why I real confident Dylan will nail Thomas role.
The Maze Runner in theaters September 19, 2014. See you in the Glade.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
The book doesn't follow the typical love story triangle thing that many YA books are doing these days. I think the male audience will be attracted to watch this movie then other YA adapted movies. I am really rooting for The Maze Runner to have a fantastic opening weekend to have book two in the series green lit.
If you have not read The Maze Runner by James Dashner, what are you waiting for. You have time to pick it up at your local book store and read it before the movie comes out this Friday. Oh yeah did I say Dylan O'Brien is playing Thomas the main character in the movie. If you don't know who Dylan O'Brien is at this point, his most famous role he play is Stiles on the populat MTV show Teen Wolf. His acting is top notch for his age. That is why I real confident Dylan will nail Thomas role.
The Maze Runner in theaters September 19, 2014. See you in the Glade.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Doctor Who Event In Philadelphia!!
Okay, Whovians. If you live near Philadelphia then you want to attend the Greater Philadelphia Doctor Who Fan Film Festival on November 15, 2014. The event will have costume contest, a trivia contest, merchandise, photo opportunities and of course films!The best part of attending this event, you will be supporting medical research for Children of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
So mark it down on your calender and come out to this awesome event in November.
Ticket Prices:
$18.99 until September 1, 2014 (online only)
$20.99 until November 4, 2014 (online only)
$25.00 at the door
Buy Tickets Here
Stage One
101 Plush mill Rd
Wallingford, Pa 19086
Date: Saturday, November 15, 2014
Time: 1:00pm - 7:00pm
For more information about this event click Doctor Who Event Website
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Monster-Mania Convention 2014 Review
Over the weekend I attended Monster-Mania Con at Crowne Plaza Hotel Cherry Hill, NJ for the first time. It was a convention centered around horror movies and TV shows, and also Batman. What drew me to this convention was the guests list as some actors from my favorite show The Walking Dead was attending.
The one guests that I had to acquire his autograph was Keith David. He played in Pitch Black, They Live, and many voice overs for games, cartoons and anime. My favorite cartoon show Disney ever produced was Gargoyles. If you never watched Gargoyles, I highly recommend you do. You will not be disappointed in the series. Gargoyles TV show made me love Shakespeare's Macbeth play in high school, because so much of the show's plot was centered around the play. So course being a fan of the show, I had Keith David sign my poster of Goliath who he voiced in Gargoyles. I actually bought the entire Gargoyles series at Monster-Mania, because the rest of the series was taking forever to come out on dvd the regular way. I had to settle for the bootleg copy, but it still works.
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Me as Pikachu The Purge Version |
I did enjoy many of the cosplayers that came out for this con. Some was very scary, especially the clowns, and some not so scary but fantastic as many Batman fans came out. Just like my other cosplayer friends, I also cosplayed myself. Every convention I attend, I have to cosplay or it will feel extremely weird. On Friday I cosplayed a Firefly from The Last of Us game (highly recommended game to play) and Saturday Pikachu The Purge version. It was extremely awesome cosplaying them both as the kids loved the Pikachu cosplay.
Click Here to see pictures taken at Monster-Mania Con.
There was many concerns I had with this convention. From the beginning, I noticed there was no weapons props check section at all. I walked in freely with my toy rifle, knife, bat and gun without staff checking my weapons. This issues could result in a major lawsuit if somebody brought a prop that wasn't con approved and severely harm somebody with these objects. Monster-Mania staff really needs to address this issue for the safety of congoers.
The programming for the con was a huge disappointment. There was no Q&A panel for The Walking Dead guests, which was why I bought the VIP pass thinking there was one. Actually, many of these guests whom attended the con, did not do a Q&A panel. It felt like these guests were there to come and take our money. Panels is our chance, as fans, to interact with the guests and Monster-Mania con only established a few Q&A panels.
In addition, the programming had no additional panels. Every convention I have attended, there was some type of workshop panel, fan discussion on a topic, even a kid zone section which is always fun to hang out. At Monster-Mania, there was nothing of that in the programming section at all. All they ran was movies in another room. They could have done special effect custom artist demonstration, Cosplay idea discussions, face painting, balloon making, just something else that went along with watching movies.
Besides the charity event, there was basically no programming at all for Sunday. With lack of panels at this convention, I was fairly bored majority of the time. I really hope in the near future, the stuff will explore other creative activities in their programming for congoers.
Furthermore, when I wanted to check pricing for tickets online on Monster-Mania website for a friend, they blocked it out. They covered everything up with a huge sign that read no more online tickets. That sign could have been made smaller or disable the payment option button, for us congoers to still see the admission prices.
Finally, the custom contest was held Saturday night at 10pm. That is way too late for a custom contest to run. Normally cosplay contests are held around 5-8pm because it is more convenient for many people, especially children participating in the contest. The time of the event should be changed in the future to make it more accessible for everybody.
Monster-Mania 2015
Although I had an okay time at this conventions, however, I will not be attending this convention next year. There was way too many cons that outweighed the pros, and I felt my VIP pass was wasted. If anybody would want to attend this convention, I would recommend buying a ticket on Saturday to save money. If I ever attend this convention again, it will be only for one day.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Non-Spoiler Quick Review:
Doctor Who
Season 8 Ep1 "Deep Breath"
I can't get enough of Peter Capaldi. Yes, I have a crush on him because...Why Not! Capaldi is a brilliant actor that owns the screen. After watching the first episode of Doctor Who Season 8 titled "Deep Breath", it was amazing. It wasn't the clear final cut version which was missing the special effects clean up, but I loved every part of it. Peter Capaldi is going to be a fantastic Doctor. Just the way he delivered his performance as the Doctor, I really hope he sticks around for two more seasons to complete the normal Doctor cycle for the show.The first episode I already knew I loved Peter Capaldi as the new Doctor. I didn't have to wait a couple episodes to get use to the new Doctor like in the past. It happened instantly. Capaldi captured the Doctor perfectly in his own way. He kinda reminds me of the 9th and 10th Doctor, which is a good thing, but Capaldi added his spice to the character that makes him still different from the bunch.
I love the way Clara interacts with the 12th Doctor. It reminds me of Donna and the 10th Doctor type of relationship now, which I have been hoping since Donna left the show. I always liked Clara as a companion and glad they kept her around for another season then bring in a new companion. But judging from a little bit of the second episode I saw, it seems to be hinting of her departure from the show soon. I am not going to spoil what that is until the episode is released officially to the public. I really hope Clara turns into more of a kick butt badass but still moral support to keep the Doctor good.
The writing from season 5-7 and then season 8 for the 12th Doctor, great improvements from watching Deep Breath episode. I had a big issue with the writing when Matt Smith was the Doctor which made me feel something was off. I felt emotions inside me with the 9th Doctor and 10th Doctor episodes. However, for the 11th Doctor, I barely felt anything for his episodes. It was just an episode until River Song appeared then I was all toned in. I love River. Other then that, the writing for the 11th Doctor, wasn't great. Nothing against Matt Smith but the writing could have helped him out a little bit more.
So far, the writing for "Deep Breath" was fantastic. Whomever the team was that helped Steven Moffat create the episode, I hope they helped him direct the entire season. The whole episode had humor, grief, action, and great moral lessons of how yourself perceive towards other individuals in life. The entire episode was just that good.
Whovians get ready. The Doctor is BACK!
Can't wait to watch "Deep Breath" in the Movie Theaters August 25th in USA.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Going to Otakon 2015!!
I been wanting to attend Otakon since my first time in 2010. I had a fantastic time the last time I attended and I finally have a chance to go again. The reason why I could not attend in the past four years was because of personal life getting in the way. I am regretting not going those past four years because many amazing guests and band performers came that I always wanted to meet. I told myself, 2015 was going to be my pilgrimage back to Otakon.
If you want to get your hotel for Otakon, NOW is the time to do it. They are already selling out quick. Just Click Here for Otakon hotel reservation website.
See you guys there. ^__^
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Doctor Who: World Tour NYC Update!!
More details has been released by #DWWorldTour on twitter of the Doctor Who: World Tour NYC event. The event will be next week Thursday August 14th at 7.30pm ET in New York City. Venue to be announced. Tickets go on sale Monday at 12pm ET for $12 on
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
August is Doctor Who Month!!
To rock out Doctor Who Month, Doctor Who: World Tour starts tomorrow August 7th at Cardiff, UK. Don't worry if you can not attend this event. They will be filming the event and posting it soon online afterwards. Although us in the USA are still waiting further information for NYC tour event August 14th, we hope it will be released soon. The Doctor Who tour staff are really cutting it short on the information about the World Tour information in general. If they decide to do this again, which I hope they do for season 9, they really need to give out the complete information as soon as possible and not when the Tour begins. Doctor Who: World Tour Info
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12th Doctor crash landing at Independence Hall Philadelphia |
You can download The 12th Doctor mask and Cyberman mask as well.
Whovians get excited because we are taking over the month of August in style.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Attending J1-Con in Philly!!
I will be attending J1-Con which is an anime convention located downtown Philadelphia. This is the first year for this small convention and I hope it grows every year. I have seen small conventions come and go in the heart of Philadelphia. However, I want this one to be a success because of its location. Voice actor Vic Mignogna, who is noticeable for his roles as Edward Elric Full mental Alchemist, Tamaki Suoh Ouran High School Host Club, Broly Dragon Ball Z, will appear as a special guest.J1-Con will be hosting gaming tournaments, cosplay contest and throwing a killer VIP party at 9pm. However, you have to be 21 and older to attend the VIP party. I am assuming alcohol beverages will be served for the age restriction.
The tickets to the convention if purchased online will be $20. VIP tickets which includes the VIP party will be $25. Children tickets are $10. If you purchase your tickets at the door, the prices will go up by $5.
If you like anime, games, cosplay and want to have a good time, come to J1-Con.
For more information Click Here.
J1-Con is September 14, 2014 downtown Philadelphia.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Buy New York Comic Con Tickets at Midtown Comics!!
Yes, here is your chance to acquire New York Comic Con tickets that are already sold out on NYCC website. Midtown Comics will be selling tickets downtown in New York City while supplies last. If you really want to go to New York Comic Con, I would say camp outside extremely early before these stores open. For more info Click Here.
Ticket Sale Hours on 8/9:
Midtown Comics Downtown: 8am - 8pm
Tickets Sale Hours on 8/08:
Midtown Comics Downtown: 10am - 8pm
Midtown Comics Times Square: 8am - 12am
Midtown Comics Grand Central: 11am - 9pm
New York Comic Con is October 9-12 at Javits Conventions Center, NY. Can't wait to see you guys soon.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Ticket Sale Hours on 8/9:
Midtown Comics Downtown: 8am - 8pm
Tickets Sale Hours on 8/08:
Midtown Comics Downtown: 10am - 8pm
Midtown Comics Times Square: 8am - 12am
Midtown Comics Grand Central: 11am - 9pm
New York Comic Con is October 9-12 at Javits Conventions Center, NY. Can't wait to see you guys soon.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
The Maze Runner New Trailer!!
If you are not into this trilogy, you should be. The Maze Runner by James Dashner is a heart pounding book to read with a mysterious dystopian world of teenagers trapped in a dangerous maze with no memories of their previous life. Thomas (Dylan O'Brien) will stop at nothing to break free from the Maze and regain his memories. Watch the new trailer and welcome to the Glade newbies.
The Maze Runner in theaters September 19, 2014.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
The Maze Runner in theaters September 19, 2014.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Mockingjay Teaser Trailer!!
In the trailer, they did show the slums of the suppose to be destroyed District 13 and Katniss finally excepting the job to take on the Capital. It's going to be interesting how much darker Lawrence is going to go with the last book. I really hope he does not leave any punches and make the movie as gritty as he can, with a PG-13 title.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 November 21, 2014.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Teen Wolf Season 5 Back to 22 Episodes!!
Teen Wolf has been renewed for Season 5 as it was announced at San Diego Comic Con this week. Although Jeff Davis said in the beginning of this year that he wanted to go back in keeping the seasons 12 episodes again after season 3. He felt that he wanted the actors to do other projects and come back to Teen Wolf project refreshed to shoot the new season. Well that didn't last long. Season 5 will go back to season 3 formula of 22 episodes split in half. Side A in the summer and Side B in the winter.A lot of fans has mixed feeling about season 3, especially since a few main characters that said farewell to the Teen Wolf world is not around anymore. Then again we said that about Kate Argent and now she is back as a werepanther in season 4. Some fans stress their concerns of how Jeff Davis handled season 3's two separate story lines of stepping away from what made Teen Wolf from the beginning. Some thought this had to do with the pressing urge of establishing a full season in which season 3 was the first for Teen Wolf.
It will be a very interesting experiment again to see how Jeff Davis will handle another full season. The good news is, he has the time to write out season 5 since season 4 of Teen Wolf ends in August.
In my opinion, I enjoyed Teen Wolf short seasons because it's less fillers and more meat for the story. However, the way Jeff Davis did season 3, it felt like Side A and Side B for Teen Wolf was two different seasons, but being labeled as one season. I prefer this formula then how majority of TV shows keep the same plot for one season. If Davis stick to season 3 two different season type formula, I can handle a full season again. I just hope it is not as rushed like it was for season 3.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Tyler Hoechlin Coming to Howler Con!!!
Yes it is confirmed. Tyler Hoechlin who play Derek Hale on Teen Wolf is coming to Howler Con as a bonus guest. For those that are unsure what a bonus guests means, photoops, meet & greet, and autographs are only included in Super Moon and Blood Moon packages. Other packages you have to buy everything separately. The tickets to buy his photoops, meet & greet, and autographs will not go on sale until 5pm est today July 22nd. I have this funny feeling his meet and greet will sale out quickly. I might have to live off of oodles and noodles to meet Hoechlin personally.Don't wait around people. Buy your tickets NOW!!
Howler Con is November 12-16, 2014.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Monday, July 21, 2014
The Purge: Anarchy Non-Spoiler Review
Let me just say, I really enjoyed The Purge: Anarchy far better then I expected. In my opinion, I think it was a far superior movie then the first one. Don't get me wrong, I did like the first movie for bringing this disturbing concept of future America to the movie screen. However, the acting at times made me cringe when it came to the Sandin children. Running away from their parents while a possible murder was in there home, it made me want to slap them like what are you thinking.Luckily the acting was more ironed out in the second installment The Purge: Anarchy. It was more believable and down right scary to see The Purge on a bigger scale then the first movie. Underneath everything about The Purge idea, money somehow makes it all goes around. The rich gets richer and the poor gets brutally murdered. Kind of sound like our current society today but rated G compared to this movie.
Sergeant made this movie badass by keeping the group together to survive The Purge, even though he had his own agenda that night. Whether good or bad, I wouldn't blame his reason behind his own Purge, because of how the law is so screwed up in our society. However, unforeseen events made him contemplate his judgement throughout the movie, which lead to his decision at the end of it.
Carmen, Cali, Shane and Liz, the others cast members, opened the movie up to keep the plot going. Their interaction with Sergeant showed how the government was more behind The Purge that meets the eye. This is actually the plot probably moving forward to the third movie how this movie Anarchy ended. My only complaint is they don't turn this type of franchise at this point into a freedom for all America movie. If they are, please let it be the last movie in the franchise. Let us enjoy the purge movies humans killing each other every year (wow that sounds bad) before we said we had enough.
My rating for The Purge: Anarchy is 7/10.
I would recommend people to see the first movie The Purge to understand the entire concept behind Anarchy, before asking your best friend in the movie theater who, what, when, where, how. Please don't look too deep into this movie. It does what its suppose to do, entertain us in a very disturbing way that makes you think twice about driving next to a huge colossus truck on the streets.
I also recommend people to cosplay as The Purge characters. It would make a great Halloween costume. If you want to scare some people in your area, create a scary mask hopefully from the movie, and bass out the Purge commencement alarm as loud as you can. That's pretty much something I hope to do in the future.
The Purge: Anarchy is in theaters near you. Get on The Purge bandwagon people.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Going to PAX South in San Antonio, TX!!
Waiting to do this for a long time, I will be attending PAX South gaming convention January 23-25, 2015 in San Antonio, TX. PAX South convention will be making its debut in January joining the PAX line up along with PAX East, PAX Prime, and PAX Australia. PAX stand for Penny Arcade Expo put together by gaming culture and webcomic site Penny Arcade.I love games. I have been playing them since birth and grew up around the old consoles such as Nintendo being my first gaming console (the good old days). Since I love going to conventions, I have been waiting to attend a gaming convention in my line up for a long time.
I have been to one gaming convention which was in Philadelphia at the Pennsylvania convention center a couple years ago. It wasn't the greatest one when I attended that year. I think the time I went, the convention was finished at that point. I thought it was going to be a great convention like it was previously. However, the next year it was a dud. I was really disappointed in it as a whole. After that, I have been very cautious of going to any gaming conventions in the future. I decided, if I was going to dish out the money, I wanted a well organized big gaming convention.
My gaming friends was pushing me to go to PAX South. At first I was unsure because I would have to buy a plane ticket which was my biggest concern. After thinking about it for two months, I decided to go for it. I miss gaming conventions and PAX South fits the bill. I wanted to go to PAX East which was located in Boston, a closer convention, but majority of my gaming friends wanted to attend PAX South. I was very happy I was able to pick up individual passes when I could for this convention. The 3-day passes was sold out in a day.
Can't wait to attend PAX South in January. I just need a little help from mother nature to make it perfect to leave and come home to Philly without any delays.
If anybody is attending PAX South, hit me up. I would love to hang with other game congoers at this convention.
PAX South Info
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Upper East Coast Walking Dead Fans here you go Walker Stalker Convention!!
Walker Stalker convention is a fan run convention created around The Walking Dead show. This convention is not just located in one place, it is located across America to give everybody a chance to meet their favorite cast members from the show. If you live on the east coast near major cities such as New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia or Baltimore, this convention is up your alley. Held at Meadowlands Exposition Center NJ, purchase your tickets right away through Ticketleap. Hotel information will be announced soon.
For more information on Walker Stalker in New York/New Jersey please Click Here.
Walker Stalker Convention is December 13-14, 2014.
This will be a last minute decision to attend this convention. It all depends how my money situation will be because I will be attending HowlerCon, a Teen Wolf convention, in November. If I do attend Walker Stalker, I will keep you guys informed.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Stephen Amell coming to NYCC!!
Stephen Amell is coming to NYCC only Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Amell plays the popular DC comic superhero The Green Arrow on the CW show called Arrow. Arrow has been CW most popular show for the past two years and continue to grow in fanbase each year. Comic congoers will love this treat, as many hope in a ripple effect The Flash actors will make an appearance at NYCC as well, since Berry Allen (The Flash) was featured on Arrow in season 2. Here is hoping for more Arrow cast members to join Stephen Amell at NYCC.
New York Comic Con is October 9-12th at the Javits Convention Center in NYC. If you are trying to buy tickets to this convention, the only tickets available are Thursday on their website. Unfortunately, many guests mostly attend conventions on Saturday and Sunday. However, NYCC will soon announce comic stores who will be selling weekend and day tickets.
Stay tune for that information.
New York Comic Con is October 9-12th at the Javits Convention Center in NYC. If you are trying to buy tickets to this convention, the only tickets available are Thursday on their website. Unfortunately, many guests mostly attend conventions on Saturday and Sunday. However, NYCC will soon announce comic stores who will be selling weekend and day tickets.
Stay tune for that information.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con Review
Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con has come and gone once again as this year was my first time attending this convention. Yes, I do live in Philly but I was more of an anime convention congoer before I branched out last year into comic conventions. For the many conventions I have been too, I really had an fantastic time at Philly Con. I had a specific agenda for this con, no photoops or autographs. This method allowed me to have more time to take pictures of cosplayers, buying items from vendors and attending panels.Pros
I was surprised I attended many of the panels I had planned. I think largely of that have to do with the size of the Pennsylvania convention center. Unlike Javits Convention center rooms for New York Comic Con which are really small for the amount of crowd that con attracts, Philly Con rooms were bigger. The grandball room was gigantic that probably could fit over a thousand congoers. Also, the best part about the grandball room, they didn't care if you recorded or took pictures. Some cons frown on that behavior, which is ridiculous at times.
Majority of the panels I attended, I recorded and already uploaded on Fort Fandom Youtube page. Karen Gillan, Christopher Lloyd, Ralph Macchio, Martin Kove, Eddie McClintock, Dave Batista and Eliza Dushku panels was extremely fun to attend as they talked about there movie projects, career and answered the fans questions.
The waiting in line was very surprising for panels. Each panel I attended I waited 45 minutes or less. That has to be a record for a big con. Also what contributed to that, the staff was not clearing out every panel. Luckily the room I was in had the best line up so I didn't have to leave the room period. Normally I would frown on people camping out in panels for one celebrity 4 panels down the road, but I knew all the guests that was in those panels, so I didn't feel guilty that much.
The cosplayers was the main attraction at Philly Con. The creativity, design and humorous cosplayers, was all fantastic. The children dressed up as my favorite characters, was extremely adorable. I congratulated on some parents saying keep up the great work. I love encouraging the parents to keep bringing their children to conventions and get them into cosplay. It's fun, a positive atmosphere, and the children can dress up awesome besides Halloween. If you want to see any cosplays photos I have taken at Philly Con, check out our facebook page.
Although I didn't experience it at the con, however my friend who attended the con with me said the photoops and autograph lines was not managed properly. She was frustrated along with many others as I witnessed it when I kept checking on her while doing other activities. This was one of the main reasons why I didn't forgo photoops and autographs for Philly Con. I predicted the lines for these celebrities was going to be ludicrous and I didn't want to spend my entire time at a convention grueling through those lines. At conventions, you have to choose your battle on what you want to do. If you want photoops and autographs, be prepared to wait in extremely large lines.
Philadelphia Comic Con 2015
In no doubt in my mind I will be attending Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con next year. The date is May 7-10 2015 which is cutting it close with my other conventions like BookCon or Awesome Con. If you are coming to Philly Comic Con, buy your 4-day tickets as soon as possible. I heard many people had no choice but to buy the downgraded less expensive VIP passes when 4-day passes was gone along with Saturday tickets. To avoid that headache, purchase your tickets early and you won't have that problem.
Make sure you follow Fort Fandom on twitter, facebook, and youtube.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Whovians Doctor Who Tour Date for NYC!!
Okay, we finally have a date for Doctor Who: World Tour in New York. It is Thursday August 14, 2014. We don't have the time or place yet but we will keep you guys posted. So excited!!Doctor Who NYC Tour
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Howler Con Tickets are on Sale!!
If you don't know or forgotten, Howler Con tickets went on sale July 1st. If you are going, I recommend buying your tickets now. New Moon package is the cheaper package out of the four packages. Blood Moon is already sold out, so three packages are remaining to purchase. If you are waiting for single day tickets when they become available closer to the con, I have that funny feeling single day tickets will be close to $70+.
If you want to do Meet & Greets there is only 25 tickets per guest. They will be gone really soon. If you are trying to figure out a method to buy everything and have the money to do it all before tickets are sold out, follow this method.
Howler Con Formula
Buy package> Book Hotel> M&G> Photoops> Autographs
For a convention like this, I would strongly recommend doing the entire weekend to space your time to attend panels and meet other congoers who are also Teen Wolf lovers.
I will be attending this convention and I can't wait to cosplay a Beacon Hill lacrosse player. Maybe we can put together a Teen Wolf Cosplay gathering so people can take pictures and all that good stuff.
I will keep you updated when tickets are sold out. If you follow me on twitter it will be posted there faster.
Howler Con Tickets
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
BookCon Review
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BookCon Saturday May 31, 2014 |
Always the highlight at conventions for me is going to the panels. The ones that I could attend, I already recorded and posted them on Fort Fandom Youtube Channel. Please check those out when you can.
I had a fantastic time meeting Cassandra Clare twice in one week. I met Cassandra at West Chester Philadelphia for her City of Heavenly Fire book tour on Friday May 30th and Saturday at BookCon. It was just a fantastic TMI weekend, and I got the famous Shadowhunter Tarot Cards done by Cassandra Jean at Cassandra Book tour (screams!!).
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Cassandra Clare, Holly Black and Maggie Stiefvator |
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Veronica Roth, Danielle Paige, Marie Lu, and Alaya Johnson |
BookCon had it's fair share of hiccups dealing with lines, staff and overcrowding. With my con experience, I already knew I had to get in line two hours in advance to acquire good seats at these panels. Many new comers attending this convention were getting frustrated over the panel line issues. It was understandable, but at the same time, this is what happens at conventions.
Another issue I had at BookCon was staff understanding the convention rules. On the website they stated that they wasn't going to clear out every panel. When I asked to confirm this information just to be on the safe side, the staff members had no clue. One staff member said they was going to clear the panels after every guests and then another said they was not. That frustrated many of us congoers waiting in line for two hours wanting to get good seats.
In addition, I had an issue with staff handling crowd control. There needs to be a better way to control the lines then being pushed around like cattle in a pen. Also, the staff need to be more vocal on what line people are standing in. Some people didn't know they was waiting in line for Cassandra Clare panel thinking they was waiting in line for Stan Lee. I know this is a first year con, but I hope staff become more vocal, maintains the lines better and follow rules as a collective group for next year.
Furthermore, the autograph section was the biggest issue at BookCon that seriously needs to be addressed next year. The lines was ridiculously long and it overcrowded the show floor area of being unable to walk around comfortably. I really hope BookCon move the autograph section off the show floor area completely. The two suggestions I hope BookCon take into consideration, is move the autograph section either downstairs where New York Comic Con (NYCC) had their autograph section or where the Artist alley was for NYCC as well. The autograph section can not be on the show floor area next year or overcrowding will continue to be an issue.
Next Year BookCon 2015
BookCon will expand into a two day event in 2015. BEA will run from Wednesday May 27th to Friday 29th and BookCon will run Saturday May 30th to Sunday May 31st 2015. Since 10,000 attendees showed up for BookCon this year, I think this was a wise decision. However, I wonder how the layout is going to work on a short time frame to dismantle BEA section since that had the biggest area at the convention. Or, will they keep it up and transition BookCon over into BEA territory. It would be interesting to see how they figure this out when the time comes next year.
With all the negatives from BookCon, I will attend next year convention again. I love books, NYC is close to Philly, and I want to see the improvements they do with this convention. I hope BookCon is around for many years in the future because it is very rare to gather many of my favorite book authors in one place.
BookCon will be May-30-31 2015.
BookCon Website
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